

what do you think?

i personally think about Persons full of hatred... that they also can be kind and gentle

tho only if the hatred doesn't goes for you :d

call my crazy or a psycho, but i think persons full of hatred r the most beautiful ones, cause they already saw much more then other ppl in their lifes
normally they think 3 times or even more about how to do sth, cause they know they might could do it wrong and don't want it
even tho some of them only life for their revenge... they still can have friends and or family, but if they got near the fulfill of their biggest wish (revenge), they can loose the sight of what they have/had and loose themselves in it

am a person who also burden hatred in herself, but that's kind of a different topic and won't be written in this blog =)




Yesterday was so f*ckin awesome! well.. till my shoes broke... :'D

the weather was more or less ok, sometimes it was morely like... sunny and hot, but cool and cold wind

met a lot of friends again which i saw like 1-2 year the last time xD

sadly didn't took any picture, cause, ya know... forgot it? not sure, wasn't focused on makin pic's, so i didn't, also my mobile phone cam isn't really the best... v_v

anyway, lookin forward 2 meet them again! can't wait for Frankfurter Buchmesse! (dunno how 2 call it in english, sorry)



Spinnen und so

sowas habe ich absolut kein Problem weg zu machen, es sei denn ich finde meine Schuhe gerade nicht oder bin einfach zu faul für, weiß der Geier

aber sobald es größer wird, haariger und vor allem dickere Beine/Körper bekommt... renn ich heulend vor Panik davon :'D

weiß auch nicht wieso/weshalb/warum, müsste ich mich mal hypnotisieren lassen für, aber... hm, neh

glaub ich nenn se Franz :D mal sehen wann ich se doch noch weg mache xD


Immer wieder genial

Man sieht immer noch, die meisten verweisenden Website Zugriffe kommen aus dem Heaven Forum...

Ich gehe ja davon aus, es ist immer noch diese eine Person, die ich nun beim Namen nenne, ne, Adrenalyn? :D

wenn du das liest, sei vorgewarnt: dein RL ist nicht so sicher, wie du denkst, bei euch gibts einige, die gerne aus dem Nähkästchen plaudern <3


1 Year after

oh yeah, it's happening AGAIN! CosDay² tomorrow, can't wait for it :D i promise this time i will upload some pictures, cause last year.. well, just search for the entry's August 2011, u will see no photos ._.

haven't looked for any train thingsi, but i bet if i look, i will puke, cause i have 2 change some underground trains and am... not really in the mood for it, cause of my low health (will write more about it l8er), and weather said will be HOT... am so not amused :D

well, see ya around sunday late night/monday morning, baibai guys :o


OMFG LOL !!!!111!!!elf

2day we got a lil strange topic in alli chat... about unwanted hairs on bodys...

about boys with hairs on their ass', hairs on breast or more down ways...
well, idc about that shiit, if he got 2 much hairs, i won't even touch him/her xD it's just... disgusting! =D

over and out, more blogs sooner or l8er if am in the mood 4 =S



any1 would think that it's japanese food? called "gyoza"? well, me not if husband wouldn't have told me...
looks so damn strange orz
